May     31, 2010
                                                October 27, 2013

      SOCRATES: If a person were to say to you, 'Is there,
                Gorgias, a false belief as well as a true?'--
                you would reply, if I am not mistaken, that
                there is.

      GORGIAS:  Yes.

      SOCRATES: Well, but is there a false knowledge as
                well as a true?

      GORGIAS:  No.

      SOCRATES: No, indeed; and this again proves that
                knowledge and belief differ.

      You can make a distinction between belief and knowledge
      (or whatever Greek words Plato was actually using),
      and get that distinction to work consistently, but
      you can also use the words in different ways...


      A more argumentative listener might
      object that a phrase like "your
      knowledge is false" is hardly           So is the knowledge of
      incomprehensible or nonsensical.        Socrates about the meaning
                                              of knowledge then false?
         And some might choose to talk
         about a "true knowledge":            Not quite true: the point is
                                              that it's a single way of
                    THE_TRUE_KNOWLEDGE        understanding-- or perhaps
                                              even less, a single way of
                                              using words which might or
                                              might not correspond to that
                                              one way of understanding--
                                              which might be got at some
                                              other way, using a different
                                              semantic complex.

                                              So the title of this page is
                                              yet another case of over-reaching
                                              on my part, going for an
                                              over-wrought meta-humor which
                                              is itself... wrong? false?
