January 27, 2004
Rosalind Russell, in                         
"Crimes of Passion",                        
plays an accidental       (She's got an easy out, the
murderess who spends      self-defense defense, but  
most of the movie         she declines to use it for 
trying not to give        some reason.)               
away her secret.           

The way they had her
playing this role
bothered me a lot.
    This suspense format requires the main             
    character to be constantly on edge, trying hard    
    to maintain control, looking visibly worried--     
    in ways that every one keeps missing some how.     
    So throughout she acts like an innocent          
    who's never lied before...  but her character    
    is supposed to be a popular actress.             
        In actuality actresses are better    
        at lying than this. Or at least      
        they *think* that they are.          
        The trouble with interrogating an actress    
        would not be spotting a false note, the      
        trouble would be that it's *all* false.      
        They project phoniness at all times.         
        How could you tell the lies told
        out of habit from the lies told
        with sinister intent?
