June 15, 1992  

But without experimentation, 
no progress is possible.  
The way the world can be 
is forever held prisoner by 
the way the world is.  
Can fear of failure really            
justify this paralysis?               PROVIDENCE

One answer:  
Keep the scale of the 
experiment as small as possible. 
Limit the consequences of 
failure to a small population, 
rather than gamble on system 
wide changes.  State programs 
are then better than Federal 
programs, for example.  
Local is good. 

But.  If you believe that you 
have a solution to a problem, 
there are costs to not implementing 
it.  Can you justify condemning   
a nation die of a plague, while 
you experiment with a vaccine in  
just one city? 
One solution:  Let people make up 
their own minds and take their 
own chances.  A new idea takes              LIBERTY
a while to catch on, and before             
it becomes tremdously popular,              
everyone has a chance to see it             
fail elsewhere.  The damage is              
somewhat limited, even for really           
popular fads, because it's rare             
for *everyone* to do the same 
thing at once.                                                
