February 10, 2007

  The rules of transformation:
  imitation       - use of an existing element

  reversal        - flip an existing (minor?) element
                    (achieve novelty, dodge plagiarism)

  translation     - import a fictional element
                    from "non-fiction"

  interpolation   - addition of the minimum amount of new
                    material to join elements smoothly

  The sources of elements:

  Tales modern, tales historical;
  Popular press and academic publications.

  Types of elements:

  Plot, character, style.

  The rules of the game:

  Select three major elements,
  one of each type,
  from random sources.

  Apply the rules to construct
  a conventional story from
  these pieces, adding elements
  as required.

  The goal of the game:

  Maintain the continuity of culture.
