Tuesday July 20, 2004

Camille Paglia in her Playboy magazine interview (May 1995):

   "Hefner has never gotten the credit he deserves-- not
   merely for his influence on the culture's view of sex
   but for creating a whole motif, a style for men that was
   a departure from the World War One rough-and-ready
   type-- the kind in the action magazines. The style he
   created wasn't just about women, it was about
   connoisseurship. He said it's possible to be a new kind
   of man, a European-style man interested in fine stereo
   equipment, good wine, sophisticated conversation and
   progressive ideas."


This is pretty clearly wrong.


   Maybe she's not all that familiar
   with action magazines?

   Try this thesis:

   The embrace of low art and popular
   culture is a post-sixties phenomena.

   Prior to that, the American Boob
   felt self-conscious about being a
   boob, and they always felt that
   someday they should really try to
   acquire some "Culture".

       E.g. the American settlers
       supposedly traveled with a
       Shakespere along with their Bible,
       and liked entertainments that
       included scenes from Shakespere
       acted out.

       E.g. the prevalence of "Hooked on
       Classics" albums, designed to
       provide a quickie education in
       classical music.

