February 5, 2010

   To me it's almost besides the point...

   But consider for a moment,
   realistically how the scenario
   would play out.

   Our boys get a warning that
   there's an atomic bomb planted in
   NYC, ready to pop in the now
   rhetorically traditional 24 hours.

   So, in desperation, our boys round
   up a bunch of the usual suspects
   (A dozen? A hundred?).

   They pull in a bunch of highly
   trained Experts and The Experts
   go to go to work on 'em, and the
   suspects crack pretty quickly                    (But they don't have
   and spew out some stories                        any actual *experience*
   (A dozen?  A hundred?).                          in their field of
                                                    expertise, of course,
   Our boys get to work checking up on              because it's not like
   those stories, but just in case, the             we ever do this as a
   experts keep chugging, and get the               matter of course)
   cracked to crack again, and so they
   generate another set of stories.
   (Two dozen?  Two hundred?)

   They lather-and-rinse some of the
   blood off, and repeat again, and then
   they've got three sets of stories to
   work with.

   Our boys pull in a thousand or so agents
   and send them scurrying about Manhatten
   checking out everything they've "learned".

   Until there's about 12 hours to go,
   that is, when all of the agents
   disappear: they all decide it might
   be time to take a nice, long, road
   trip, and they suddenly go on vacation.

