August 4, 2010
Stefan Collini
"Absent minds:
intellectuals in Britain" (2006)
"Reading extensively in the
literature on any topic, one will,
inevitably, encounter a degree of
repetition and overlap, but the
sheer predictability of so much of Intellectuals writing about
the writing in this case is truly intellectuals may not be "creative"
awful to behold." enough for Collini's taste, but
this is not an excuse nor
" ... turning out a piece on the dismissing them. The oft heard
theme of 'intellectuals' (especially opinion is an opinion one needs to
on their decline or disappearence) engage with, not dismiss as a
might almost seem the would-be cliché.
columnist's equivalent of passing
the driving-test." ARGUMENT_FROM_BOREDOM
And isn't there a
certain predictability
in intellectuals
accusing other
intellectuals of
predictability when (Are they less
writing about predictable when
intellectuals? writing about
anything else?)
Another thing that should be
predictable is the sort of
routine that goes "When they do
it it stinks, but when a superior
fellow like myself generates it,
it's very earthy soil."
Quoting Stefan Collini again,
again from the introduction to
"Absent minds":
"As I have already "... the book makes no pretence
suggested, in addressing to being comprehensive, and I
this topic I am hardly shall be more than usually
treading on virgin soil; unmoved by readers or reviewer
there are many signs that who complain that this or that
others have passed this important figure is absent form
way before me." its pages."
You can't accuse me, I said if it first, so
you're not allowed to! No backsies!
To my eye, Collini is coping the pose of
being a no-nonsense critic of all that
other nonsense, he's like a rapper A Collini review of a
dismissing everyone else's "rhymes" Christopher Hitchens
(without saying whose exactly) as a book was titled "No
way of pumping up his own. bullshit, bullshit"
In intellectual combat, you don't count Ah, what a world.
coup by just by making an attack, you Irony and hypocrisy
really have to bring a scalp home. without end...
"London Review of Books"
January 23, 2003
But when he stops sneering,
Collini gets close to the
real point:
"And some of this writing surely signals
that there is a genuinely important
subject here: it is, ultimately, nothing
less than the question of whether
thought, enquiry, imagination, pursued to
the highest level, issue in any wisdom
about how we ought to live."
This is what this subject is really about:
It's about the fact that our collective
intelligence is awful, we get taken and
taken again with maneuvers that should be
transparent, and are transparent to a
lot of us, but we can't get the sleepers
to wake.
That's it, that's the "holy grail"...
It hardly matters if our intellectual
elite is elite enough or intellectual
enough, or fairly chosen, or growing,
or shrinking, the question is are
they doing their job, and their job And it matters
isn't a mystery: are they making us still less whether
smarter? the French team
is beating the
Collini's main focus is
to refute the claim that
there are no British
intellectuals. It could
be he's taking that a bit