February 18, 2010
There was "Qubit": a 3-D
Tic-Tac-Toe, which used four
There were 4-by-4 plastic boards. I
I wouldn't say I invented 3-D games remember very little about
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe, but when of various it except that it was too
I was a teenager, I did types fragile to hold together
work out a simple around long enough to play the game.
variation of it that then...
works very well.
We had a nifty
I had a few insights: looking 3-D chess The Star Trek
set: 8 plastic version
(1) you could do boards, supported looked even
this on paper, in a wooden rack. niftier,
without any though I
elaborate plastic You couldn't move suspect it
widgets. a piece without was even more
knocking six unplayable.
(2) if you tried to over, and if you
play a 3-D game summoned the
exactly like a 2-D patience to deal
game you would get with that, the
very brief, dull game still wasn't
games, but you could worth playing.
fix this by changing
the goal of the game. The rules suggested
variants using only 3
By my rules, play boards, and a modified
doesn't stop on the goal of two consecutive
first tic-tac-toe. checks: inelegant, to
You play until every say the least.
space is filled, and
each tic-tac-toe is I had a theory that to play
counted as a point. chess on a cube you'd need 8
sets of pieces, with 7 faux
To play the game, kings. Never got to try
you just draw that out.
three tic-tac-toe
boards, and (3dc, aka 3dchess under
envision them Debian, works like
stacked up on top that: 3 boards, 3
of each other to sets of pieces.)
form a cube:
| | | | | | o
---+---+--- ---+---+--- ---+---+---
| | | | | | o Here "o" has scored once:
---+---+--- ---+---+--- ---+---+--- anything that looks like
x | | x | | x | | o a 2D tic-tac-toe still
counts in 3D.
Here, "x" has also scored once:
when you've seized the same positions
in all three boards, that's a vertical
rod through the cube.
| | o | | | | x
---+---+--- ---+---+--- ---+---+---
| | | x | o | | Diagonals through space
---+---+--- ---+---+--- ---+---+--- are only a little harder
x | | | | | | o to see: In this layout,
"x" and "o" have each
scored one tic-tac-toe.
An interesting wrinkle: it's
possible to score more than
one point with a single move.
And while the center square of the cube
is obviously valuble, it doesn't quite
determine the results of the game as
rigidly as with standard tic-tac-toe.
Probably: you should
play two rounds, where
you take turns moving
first then add the For a point to count
scores to determine you must call it when
the over-all winner. it is scored. No
retroactive re-figuring.
Trust me: that rule
will help keep you
out of trouble...