November 20, 2006
I happened to look up the "8-Track Mind" web
site the other day, and noticed that they had Originally, "8-Track Mind"
some inspiring messages from the 8-track was a zine (you know,
subculture... published on paper). The
format was a standard sized
sheet folded over, with the
corner clipped off so that
THE 8 NOBLE TRUTHS OF THE 8-TRACK MIND it was in the shape of an
8-track cartridge.
0) Understanding one's fate
leads to greater acceptance.
1) State of the art is in the
eye of the beholder.
2) Society's drive is on attaining
rather than experiencing.
3) In less than optimum circumstances,
creativity becomes all the more important.
4) Progress is too often promises,
promises to get you to buy, buy.
5) "New" and "improved" don't necessarily
mean the same thing.
6) "Naïve" is not a dirty word.
7) In seeking perfection has
the obvious been overlooked?
8) Innovation alone will
not replace beauty.
You might pass those on to anyone who happens
to be devoted to something that is regarded as
past it's time...
(Like HTML web sites.)