April 20, 2012

The stated rationale
behind the site the        My first thought was that this was something
"Sankaku Complex"          like the goth community's worries about how
doesn't explain why        it's portrayed in the mainstream.
they keep posting
news stories about                                  It's a continual annoyance
pedophiles.             They call pedophiles        that any time someone in
                        "lolicons", I presume       black does something nasty,
The comment boards      meaning "guys with          it's supposed to be
reveal that some of     lolita complexes".          characteristic of goth
their regulars need                                 freaks in general.
to think about            It sounds like an
these issues,             event: "Welcome               The otaku culture has
though, so maybe          to Lolita Con!".              had similar problems
there's some point.                                     with "all blamed for
                                                        the actions of few".
A number of commenters come back to the
"look but don't touch" rule, which is
fine, but not quite the whole story.      For one thing, I'm not
                                          sure I even understand the
  One commentator -- perhaps              "look" part.  An actual
  a troll? -- stated matter               young girl is rarely as
  of factly that you just                 cute as, say, a Miyazaki
  can't help who you're                   cartoon, let alone some
  attracted to...  as though              take-off of a Sailor Moon
  that's an excuse for why a              fantasy.  I can't say I
  cop molested two children               get what the irresistable
  in a public restroom.                   appeal is supposed to be.

    There might be some                                  Clearly I'm a
    truth to the notion                                  failure as a
    that desires are      Though I have my               pedophile.
    immutable and         doubts even about
    irrational...         that much.

       This doesn't change the fact
       that there are social barriers
       to desire more often than not,           The person you're
       for everyone, pedophile or               interested in isn't
       not, and you just need to deal.          interested in you.

          It's long been understood             They may not even
          in the bdsm world that                be interested in
          there's a huge difference             your gender.
          between role play and
          actual rape and torture.              They may be interested,
          People don't go around                but have other commitments.
          lamenting the lack of the
          Real Thing in their lives.            They may be interested,
                                                but in a fundamentally
          Can it be that the otaku              different way, varying
          pedophiles still haven't              in sexual interests,
          learned the lesson?                   child-rearing plans,
  It isn't so much a
  matter of "look but                           There may be power
  don't touch", but of                          relationships that
  finding like-minded,   That isn't             get in the way in
  available partners.    "second best",         either direction:
                         that *is* the          the teacher must
  In this case,          Real Deal.             step carefully with
  perhaps interested                            the student, but
  in dress-up and                               also, the employee
  role play of                                  must watch it with
  adult-children                                the bosses spouse.

  Or even, interested
  in having sex while
  watching Sailor Moon.
