Written some time before: May 21, 2000
"Names are arbitrary labels
devoid of meaning. Who cares
what name you use?"
The act of naming In the case of
is strangely music/subcultures/scenes
powerful. the name is
Choose the wrong name the face you turn to the world
on a whim, and you the mirror you face while you're working
can, uh, doom yourself. a handle to juggle the material
Changing names is actually Behind the "names don't
suprizingly difficult. matter" talk, I hear the
conceit that your work
The first thought is to is above genre, above history.
choose a name that's
descriptive, that reflects It springs into existance
the subject, that will without connection to
lead people looking for it culture, environment:
to the right place. Total creativity.
Then you get bogged down in There are few artists
determining the true nature around that can live
of the subject. up to this.
Another approach: (Though what the
Work on positive connotations hell. Better any
to help promote the project. pretension than none,
and this ain't the
Then you risk drowning in the worse.)
sea of all the other marketing
So, you can try counter-hype
instead, choose something that "My new band is called
sounds negative on purpose. Unlistenable Noise.
Check it out!"
And then you'll find that you've
confused the irony deaf masses.
You can't call a newsgroup
Maybe one of the better and expect serious discussion
approaches: pick a neutral there.
name without previous
connotations. Let the
subject find it's own Case in point:
nature. A danger to the sad tale of the
watch out for: crackmonkey list:
But this is going picking a name
to be a difficult that's already in MONKEYS_BUTT
battle if you're use and has more
not solely in google juice than
charge of the you.
name. How will
you sway people to Consider the virtues
use a name that is of misspelling.
admittedly lacking
in any virtue Perl vs. Pearl
except lack of Google vs. googol
vice? (Or goggle?
But probably no Gogol.)