September 16, 2020
In our last episode, we left off with Bertrand
Russell's rhapsodies about the beauty of mathematics...
In that episode, we were indulging in an unbridled
sneerfest at Russell's expense, with some side remarks
expressing reservations about how standard rhetorical
maneuvers undercut the utility of using language as
a tool of thought.
It might be fun to try going over the same piece
of Russell's writings and just for funsies see
what happens if I instead try raving about his
prescient brilliance.
For now I leave off with two points on
which I might praise Russell:
o He is essentially talking about the "two
cultures" problem-- and doing it a
half-century before C.P. Snow got there:
Philosophers don't learn much about
mathematics, and mathematicians give
short-shrift to philosophy, leaving
odd characters like Russell working
the region of overlap.
o The direction that Russell goes with
this could easily become an attempt
at the "two cultures crossover"
that I occasionally speculate
(fantisize?) about.
The beauty of mathematical elegance,
The utilty of practical math...