November 5, 2007
Questioning Burning Man:
If Burning Man is an "experiment",
then what is the hypothesis?
What are you trying to prove?
What has been proved?
Is it a matter of experimenting with 'designs
for living'? What would be the next refinement
in the designs?
Many of these questions
the burners appear to be
trying to answer in one
way or another.
Spread the fire:
The "regionals":
satellite events. Last year's
focus on
Black Rock Arts Foundation, carbon
bringing the art indulgences.
to a wider audience.
I think that Harvey and co are
perhaps uncomfortable with the
rigid separation between Black
Rock and commerce, and are looking
for some sort of compromise, some
sort of hybrid.
Hence this last year's
silly attempts at
green product demos, The Green Fest does this
with names and logos already without the prudery.
Next step: the distinction
between advertisement and
underwriting made in the
radio broadcasting world,
with all the attendant
weaselly waffling, pushing
limits of what can be
called "underwriting".