November 25, 2005
Some quotations of Algis Budrys.
Discussing New Wave SF, in the
August 1968 issue of Galaxy:
There can be no quarrel with an
attempt to get out of the old
ruts; the world *is* chilly,
few of us are heroes, and not
many ideals support much
weight. It was always so, but
perhaps there is something more SHARPER_LANCES
valid for fiction to do than
simply to inspire. Maybe it
*can*, instead, show us ways in
which we personally can cope,
without at the same time
demanding that we give up our
jobs, tear up our mortgages and
haunt hilltops, waiting to be HEINLEIN
picked up by talent scouts in
flying saucers.
Further, discussing a Keith Laumer story:
"Thunderhead" is an excellently told,
exceptionable story about a man who does his
duty. In a way, it's a surefire yarn -- the
kind that can't miss. Yet this kind of story
can be monstrously hard to write. The hero is
more faithful, more persevering, more
resolute, more staminous than you or I could
be, and one slip by the writer in describing
his ever increasing problems could break the
spell and turn him into a figure of pure corn.
Where this kind of story gets its necessary
tension, as a matter of fact, is in balancing
the reader's true capabilities against the
actions of this costume the author draws over
him for a while.
Seen in that light, what a writer does when he
does a good job on a story like this is more
of a feat than writing something by your own
There is nothing mysterious about the
separate elements of this story... [You
start with an idea for a situation, and
looking at the situtation from the outside,
you sketch out the things the protagonist
must do.]... Then you conceal their
linearity from the reader... by adopting a
viewpoint within this framework of events,
rather than one detached outside of it...
I was much younger once... I _thought_ it
would be easy. (I still don't like
stories in which the easy is made easier
by coincidence, by dumb luck, by auctorial
intrusion, by hustling extra characters in (The word "vulnerable"
out of the wings, by glossing over the was added by me, where I
hard parts with offstage voices and sound presume it was dropped by
effects. I wonder if only the action Galaxy's typesetting. The
modes are to prove [vulnerable] to these other bracketed passage is
well-known flaws.) a paraphrase.)
Algis Budrys in the May 1969 issue of Galaxy:
Writing is a process wrung out of fear
overcome, as having written is a reward
of pure joy, and a man who thinks ahead
of time why he writes, and looks back on
his writing to see if it is indeed in the
tradition he was writing for, is a man
who is not brave enough for love, and not
triumphant enough for consummation. He
is dull -- deliberately, fearfully dull;
slow beast -- and the good writers just
aren't that way.
Algis Budrys in the July 1986 issue of "Fantasy
and Science Fiction":
One cannot, I think, set out to produce a
quality. One must have that quality, and if
one does, then in any mode it can usually
overcome even extreme degrees of error and of
outside criticism. It has a thing within
it, and we who perceive that thing, with
whatever receptor and with whatever personal
preference as to the details, are fortunate.
Algis Budrys in the May 1982 "Fantasy and Science
Contrary to popular belief, few writers are
so fortunate as to simply transcribe what the
Muses bring them entire. I believe Mickey
Spillane does; perhaps one or two others. LONG_SHADOW
Algis Budrys in the October 1969 issue of Galaxy:
For one reason or another, lately, I've been
thinking about what I've been doing. This
is something of a step for me, since I did
go a considerable time without ever stopping
to wonder systematically about what makes a
book ...
... we confuse the expression with the inspiration.
We look at the novel and we can see the long
series of encodings ... with which the laboring
creator spells out his vision of what flashed
into his mind when the lightning struck him.
The thing that happens to any creator, it seems
to me, happens in an instant. The rest is
A being qualified to live with lightnings ought
to respect the sole source of its consciousness.