Dec 12, 2012

Some thoughts I've had
recently about AKB48...             UNLIKELY_PLACES

                      A typical AKB48 performance
                      seems like the lightest of
                      light fare: pretty youngish           AKB48_COMPLEX
                      Japanese women prancing around
                      in matching outfits, singing
                      j-pop in harmony.

                                              Going from there to the similarly
                                              popular Korean group "Girl's
                                              Generation", it's striking how
                                              *different* the feel is of the
                                              group: Girl's Generation seems
                                              much tighter, moving in perfect
                                              synchronization, and their vibe
                                              is really cold, intimidating.

  In another direction, if you look                            In some ways
  at the Indonesian analog of AKB48,                           Girl's
  JKT48, it's amazing how amateurish                           Generation
  they seem, like a poorly-rehearsed                           reminds of
  high school act.  AKB48 does not                             the inhuman,
  exactly impress with their amazing                           machine-like
  dance moves, but in comparison to                            precision of
  Cherrybelle, they suddenly seem                              the Rockettes.
  tremendously competent, the touch
  of clumsiness about AKB48 looks           A bit of clumsiness
  simply relaxed and unconcerned--          is understood to be
  and I wonder how much of that is          a "moe-element"...
  studied, calculated.                      because it's less

Note though:
the JKT48                It's interesting that with AKB48
outfit                   their outfits *do* match, but
was perhaps              they're never completely identical.
a rapid                  There's a touch of individuality
response                 about them... (though maybe only a
to other                 touch).
girl groups              The Japanese at this point have
like                     kawaii down to an absolute science:
Cherrybelle.             this "light-weight" fare is
                         positively awe-inspiring in how
It could be              perfectly they nail it, without
JKT48 looks              seeming too Perfect.
like beginners
because they                        But this is not to idealize these
are but won't                       idols...  the entire institution is
stay that way.                      shot-through with twisted elements.
                                    Just to pick one: all of these women
                                    are supposed to be virgins.  Any hint
                                    of suspicion of funny business under
                                    those miniskirts is a Scandal, and
                                    potential grounds for dimissal.

                                        And we don't need to harp on the
                                        intense commercialism underlying these
                                        efforts, right?  AKB48 is far away from
                                        the dream of the organic rock band
                                        formed by like minded friends.  There's
                                        a shadowy, presumably male, management
                                        team that formed this group, and it's a
                                        veritiable army of women, designed to
    But as Pauline Kael would have      appear on stage in divisions of 16 at a
    it these trivial pleasures need     time.  Worse, it's a *chain* of armies,
    not be justified, and should        intended to conquer a wide territory
    be enjoyed without shame.           (NKT48, etc).

    Really?                                           OTAKU_CONSUMED

