May 10, 2012
I like the VizMedia production
"Kamikazee Girls" quite a bit:
The main character is a Sweet
Lolita, living out in the
sticks where she's the sole
member of her sub-culture, and
yet she remains committed, she's
determinedly true to her self.
Two things about the film don't
exactly disturb, but they raise
a few questions:
Central to the movie is
the main character's
involvement with the This is an actual
people at the designer designer store. There's So:
store "Baby, The Stars an outlet in the "New
Shine Bright", which is People" complex, which "cross-
one of the main sources is run by Viz, the promotional
of the "sweet lolita" company that produced product
fashion she favors. this movie. tie-in".
A major plot point here Does that
is that the main have a
character is actually nice ring
quite skilled in fabric to you?
arts (in particular,
embroidery) and she's
entirely competent to
make her own outfits, At the close of the movie
and she could quite they have her throw in a
easily be recruited to few lines about how she's
a permanent position resolved to never make
working with "Baby". her own clothes, because
just buying them "seems
more extravagant".
In other words,
they're consciously
trying to promote
consumerism, and COSPLAY
downplay creativity.