February 6, 2007
What reason might there be
for a pattern of vegetarians
being anti-alcohol?
The reason is that vegetarians
are often vegetarians at least
in part for health reasons.
The physical damage from
going heavy on meat, pales
compared to the damage from
going heavy on booze.
The logic is very simple and
obvious: if large amounts
are poisonous, maybe small It is also, at least
amounts are also, and you sometimes, wrong:
should avoid it completely.
It's not unusual for low
It's obvious to the doses of a poison to be
point where you might beneficial (the jargon
wonder how anyone can for this is "hormesis").
miss it.
It may be that low doses
Why would anyone of meat is in fact better
ever think to than a pure vegetarian
question why someone diet... and it is indeed
would avoid alcohol? often claimed that there's
evidence that moderate
drinking is good for you.
I've never been persuaded
by this, though: there's
data out there that shows
more heart problems among
teatotalers than among
"moderate drinkers", but
I don't see how the data
can be any good.
Vindication at last?
As a non-drinker, I can
attest that you have to
be a fairly weird person
to make it out of your
twenties without drinking
(Hey man, I'm alcohol.
edge!) How do you separate out
the stress of being
But then, I also abnormal from the data?
guzzle tea at a
tremendous rate...
(I'm a big