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                                              February 6, 2007

      "Scarcity no longer serves as an
      argument for vegetarianism, and
      neither, for that matter, does
      health, since we know from
      studies of Okinawan centenarians
      and others that small amounts of
      meat and dark-fleshed fish are
      good for you; that moderate
      amounts of alcohol (which              ALCHOHOLIC_AVOIDANCE
      vegetarians for some reason
      appear to avoid) is good for you
      as well; and that plenty of
      exercise, a sense of well-being
      that comes from a strong social
      structure and, of course,                (Okinawan centenarians
      universal healthcare are equally         all agree that socialized
      essential."                              medicine did it for them.)

            -- Daniel Lazare,
               "My Beef With Vegetarianism",
               a review of "Bloodless Revolution"
               a book by Tristram Stuart.

