March 14, 2010
  The Kim Stanley Robinson
  talk at The Anarchist Bookfair,
  March 13, 2010

       Robinson's central point is that
       Science itself is a functioning      THE_SCIENCE_CONSPIRACY
       anarchy of a sort.

       An example of utopian ideals of
       cooperative exchange, openness
       and transparency.

       Scientists are characterized
       by very little interest in material
       gain: the difference between the       I wonder if he's taken into
       post-doc and the tenured prof is       account consulting fees.
       only a factor of 4 in income.          Professors in technical fields
                                              have access to a number of
                                              sources of income outside of

Kim Stanley Robinson did an
excellent job with this
talk... and he was absolutely
brilliant compared to some of          ANARCHIST_BOOK_FAIR
the other speakers.

He wanted to argue that the left had
unfairly villified Science; he was making         He also makes a distinction
the point that the scientific world has a         between capitalism and
very egalitarian, anti-materialistic culture      capital, which is an
                                                  interesting move.
   In the Q&A period he made the very
   gutsy move of defending genetically            He uses a definition of
   modified food (making the point that           "capital" he attributes to
   it wasn't fundamentally different              Marx: the surplus value of
   from traditional hybridisation).               work.

He suggested trying to disentangle                       (Oddly enough there
the power games of capitalism                            are lefties who
(e.g. patenting life forms) with                         don't believe that
the goals of biological science and                      wealth *can* be
technology                                               created, which not
                                                         even Marx would've
   Supporting human life with                            agreed with.)
   less environmental impact.

      Someone in the audience
      suggested that this wasn't
      such a great thing...

      Robinson's response was that            My response would be: if there
      the one thing that needed to            are too many human beings and
      happen to solve the                     we need massive dieback, try to
      over-population problem was             imagine that dieback happening
      "social justice for every               in this room instead of off in
      woman on the planet".                   Africa somewhere.

          (And that was an                    I would bring up the Dave
          applause line that                  Foreman/Murray Bookchin
          completely won over                 controversy, and suggest
          the crowd.)                         that if you think it through
                                              a little, you'll probably
                                              want to back off from that
      He went on to make the point            position, just as Dave
      that there's a "positive                Foreman did.
      feedback" loop here,
      i.e. there are two things                  (Which would at least
      that we want "improved                     show some familarity with
      living standards" and "lower               the anarchist lit.)
      population growth" and doing
      one helps do the other.                      WHAT_ARE_THEY_TO_ME
         Other borrowed phrases                    
         he used...

             "The vanity of small
             differences." --Freud

             "The cruel desert

                  Who was that from?
