November 10, 2007
There may be a small
paradox here: I feel a deep
sympathy for Snyder, but Of all the various "beats",
disagree with him much. (or beat-related) figures,
Snyder strikes me as the
RYDING_THE_BURN sanest, the most serious,
the most capable...
EMPIRICAL_MORALITY certainly the most scholarly.
Perhaps similarly, while it would
be easy for me to roll my eyes
at someone like Murray Bookchin,
instead I find I have quite a bit
of respect for him as well...
He's an old 30s era lefty anarchist
geezer who stuck to his guns all the way
through, and played the game all the way
to the end, in spite of the fact that How much
few people really cared all that much different
about what he had to say. am I from
Bookchin, Actually, in
eh? comparison,
I'm rather
can't make up
my mind if I'm
libertarian or
left or
something else
Dave Foreman, I'm afraid
is not for me someone
with that sort of glow
about him.
A radical who's boxed
himself in several One of the founders
times, in several of "Earth First",
ways, and then tried he eventually got
to dance out of it. set up by some
provacateurs --
Well, at least you have to according to him
give him that he's out there, he didn't buy-in,
in the world working it, but but that didn't
he seems to have an "act first, stop them from
think later" style. busting him anyway.
Lately I've been thinking that And he has to
DARK_HOPE people like this are great keep explaining
examples of why everyone should that he hadn't
really study some philosophy... really thought
through what he
About the unexamined life, was saying when
I have little opinion, but he made some
the unexamined mind is not "AIDS == good"
worth following, not even remarks.
if it's your own.
(Nature's way of
(or something correcting
like that). over-population,
I could keep going like
this, I suppose... talking
about the vibe that I get
from the various thinkers
I'm talking about here, The jagged
discussing that odd line I've been
quasi-personal connection following of
you have with people who's late:
thoughts you've been
reading for years.... TRACERS
Gary Snyder
Dave Foreman
Murray Bookchin
Noam Chomsky
Bertrand Russell
John Dewey
Ken MacCleod