February 18, 2017
Of late, it's seemed to me that
Japanese consumer products, e.g. the
miscellaneous items on the shelves
of Daiso in SF's Japantown, are made
with more care than American ones.
There's a creeping tendency for "American"
companies (actually, the nationality of major
corporations is increasingly a flag of Prime example:
convenience) to sell things that are more like Dishtowels that
placebos than things intended to be actually don't absorb water.
useful. It's gone far beyond planned
obsolescence, you're lucky if they actually GETTING_A_HANDLE
function at all-- after all, most people out
there are probably people like myself who aren't
going to go out of their way to return a ten
dollar item. I would guess you can make a fair
amount of money selling completely non-functional
garbage if the packaging looks okay and it
seems reasonably priced at first glance.
But once you're even slightly familiar
with their product line it's not hard to Not too long ago, Dangerbaby
guess whether the Japanese chain Daiso and I were hanging out at the
will have something to do what you want, Yakini-Q cafe (a Korean-style
and it really will do what you want: coffee house in Japantown)
small ceramic items, consumer electronic with her newly organized
cables, stationary, Japanese junk food... Kimono de Jack group-- someone
had brought over a piece of
It was not always so. By the mid-70s, original artwork to use as a
Circa the 1960s, it the quality-- business card logo for the
was a running joke and sales-- of group. She was just carrying
about how "Made in Japanese cars it around loose, and I thought
Japan" was the mark of was beating we'd need something better
cheap garbage. Detroit. than that to protect it, so I
snuck away to the Ichiban-Kan
Then they literally Any car I've outlet across the street, and
invented "quality ever bought-- picked up an odd green plastic
assurance". It could there haven't folder/envelop to put it in.
be there's still actually been
continuing national many-- was a One of the people in the
pride over that used Toyota or group-- Japanophiles all,
achievement, and Honda, and I've of course-- commented:
they're reluctant to never regretted "They had the perfect
surrender it. those decisions. little thing, didn't they?"
I knew exactly what she
(On the other meant.
My theory for some hand, the lame,
time has been that flaky quality If it had been, say, a
Japanese companies of Sony Walgrens-- an American
have more of a electronics has chain I have some affection
sense of personal always amazed.) for-- I would've found
connection with some sort of folder, but
their customers... not quite as durable or
The US attitude seems
to be more like the
insiders putting one
over on the marks; But lately I've been wondering
Japanese buisnesses if there might be something more
think of their job as subtle going on: it could be it's
providing something for rooted in the animism that's
people like themselves. reputed to pervade Japanese culture:
they have respect for the spirit
of the objects themselves, even
when they're mass-produced...