February 18, 2017

In which I pick the weirdest possible ground
to complain about the lack of basic practical
skills among nerds...

When I try to piece together what Hans
Reiser did after he killed his ex-wife,
it appears that he moved the corpse a
*second* time using his car, by bagging
the not-too-fresh corpse and dropping it
down on his passenger seat.  He then
apparently worried about traces left
behind in this process, and removed the       One of the better observations
seat and threw it away, and then tried to     I heard from someone on
clean up the floor of the car.  He rather     slashdot:  wait, he says he
stupidly filled the floor of the              pulled his car seat to make
passenger side up with water-- it's           room to sleep in the car... and
sounding like Lady Macbeth syndrome at        then he *threw it away*?  Geeks
this point-- and then worried about how       don't throw away old car parts!
he'd drain it.
                                                    Good point... but then his
He went to an auto parts                            mother had (supposedly)
store and bought some                               been leaning on him to
sort of hand pump, using   For a smart guy          clean up some of his crap.
a credit card (?!).        supposedly working      
                           hard to cover his      
                           tracks, that's    
                           pretty amazing.      

     But this is the point
     I really wanted to make:

         He thought he needed a pump
         to move a little water?
         He doesn't understand how      
         to bail water, or how to       
         use a mop or a sponge?                   MOP_HEAD
         Fucking computer geeks.       

         I also don't see any
         mention of bleach in
         his stash of supplies--             A lot of the remarks
         if you're after biological          I've read by other
         evidence, I'd go for the            geeks show habits of
         bleach, myself.                     thought similar to mine:

                                             Our first impulse is to second
                                             guess Reiser's moves in the game
                                             against the police.

                                        Many of these remarks
                                        seem pretty dumb--

                                        Q: but why would he do *that*
                                        when he could've easily done

                                        A: he'd just killed his wife.
                                        He evidently wasn't the most
                                        level-headed guy to begin
                                        with, and expecting him to
                                        calm down and think clearly
                                        at that stage is a bit much.
