November 25, 2006
The October Surprise of
the 2002 midterm election
in the United States was a
casual announcement by the Checking the details on that:
CIA, claiming credit for
having lobbed some cruise [ref]
missles at a middle-
eastern bad guy. "On November 3, 2002, a CIA Predator ...
was again in a military strike. A
I figured that this Hellfire missile was fired at a car in
was a bit of sabre Yemen, killing Qaed Senyan al-Harthi, an
clanging to remind al-Qaeda leader thought to be responsible
the electorate that for the USS Cole bombing. It was the
There's a War On. first direct US strike in the War on
Terrorism outside Afghanistan."
It left me thinking:
The *CIA* has cruise missles? Which is supported by a
They're supposed to be an Washington Post story:
*intelligence* agency.
The United States now
admits that it engages in Or could it be that it
assassination attempts? doesn't count as an
assasination if you
use a cruise missle MEANS_WHAT
instead of a sniper?
Well, what the hell, Or it could be it doesn't
maybe I'm just being a count as assasination if
naive intellectual or There's A War On.
It could be that here [ref]
in the "post-911 era"
everything really is Everything?
different now, and we
need to use every trick Well that's
in the book. what they said.
After all, assassination
has worked so well for
Israel in the mideast, why
shouldn't we get into it?