October 17, 2012
A review in the NYRB of Mary Pickering's [ref]
nook on Auguste Comte clues me in on what
Comte was about: he's one of the roots of This review is by a
that old positivism that we all keep Thomas Meaney, a History
hearing such negative things about. grad student at Columbia.
Comte, it turns out, is one of
the first the great, cranky His review kept harping on the
breathren of intellectuals subject of Comte's influence
interested in a unification of on Sociology. It seemed a
all human knowledge. very narrow focus, but I
gather it's one of the things
He a was post-French Rev kid, one says about Comte: his
determined to do it right, system of classification
without The Terror. covered existing sciences, but
also pointed the way to the
social sciences he predicted
would develop.
In general, the reviewer
indulges in quite a bit of
retrospective contempt for
Eventually he came back to Comte, enough that it leaves
the idea of a religion of me wondering how much of it
humanity, of rationality, is justified.
of Science. BIBLES
"Comte was a thinker,
This is one of the great, after all, who attempted
doomed and probably to systematize all the
fundamentally dumb ideas Traps in the knowledge of his age,
that recurs frequently. intellectual but whose strict regime
landscape... of 'cerebral hygiene'
CULT_OF_REASON kept him from reading
SANDPITS much of it."
Yeah, that sounds
A great vacation silly, but "read
destination: everything before
you make a move"
"The temple of humanity in Rio isn't a formula for
de Janeiro continues to hold success either.
services to this day."
A common syndrome:
the creators version
differs from the followers:
"Logical Positivism"
vs Comte's positivism.
Peirce vs pragmatism.
Paul vs Christ
To quote Kuhn:
"I am not a Kuhnian".