April 13, 2012
September 3, 2013
There are traps in the
intellectual landscape, TRAPS
dead ends that everyone
is likely to run into.
Recently, a joke went around
the internet where someone was
At any given time, editors ranting about how you should
are likely to recieve not use regular expressions to
multiple submissions of the parse html; and the rant
same clever story idea. devolved into a Lovecraftian
parody about how this act could
unleash the Old Ones.
Sterling wondered what the guy
was going on about: the point
One of the greatest of the joke is simply that this
traps, the trap that is an approach that looks good
underlies many others at first, but is typically
is to assume a only useful for simple tasks;
successful strategy but because it *is* useful for
in one field will simple tasks, beginners get
be successful in stuck on it, and try to push
all others. it further than they should.
We can find certain answers (The right thing to
in math; we would like to do-- often-- is to
find certain answers in drop the regexps and
*this* field; therefore we find some tree
will apply math to it. parsing code.)
The free market does a
great job of coordinating
social activity in *this*
area; I bet it will do Some mental traps often seem
a great job in *that* area. intractable, possibly hardwired
Maybe in *all* areas! into human nature: "cognitive
Others, I suspect, or more
conditional on the particular
state of knowledge of a given
The reason calling an idea
"sophomoric" is an insult.