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April 02, 2013
September 01, 2013
David Hawkes,
"How Noam Chomsky's world works" David Hawkes: prof
_Times Literary Supplement_, of English at
29 August 2012: Arizona State.
"Anyone following the career of (Funny: Hawkes indulges in
Noam Chomsky is soon confronted so much insulting, snide,
with a problem. In fact, it has condescension throughout,
become known as the 'Chomsky I was thinking he must be
problem'." British...)
I've never heard this phrase, myself.
And if you try doing web searches on
"The Chomsky Problem", you're likely
to find people talking about whether There is however this piece
Chomsky was hard enough on the Khmer by Norbert Hornstein (U of
Rogue. Maryland) making fun of David
Hawkes for apparently having
coined his own term:
Clearly, this is The
Hawkes Problem.
David Hawkes continues: Someday, *I'd*
like to have
"Chomsky has achieved eminence in two very a problem named
different fields, theoretical linguistics and after me.
political commentary. The 'Chomsky problem' is
that his approaches to these fields appear to (The Silly
contradict each other. In politics Chomsky is Formatting
a radical, but in linguistics he takes Problem.)
positions that can easily be characterized as
reactionary. He treats linguistics as a branch
of biology. He traces language to a 'Universal
Grammar' resident in the physical brain. He
believes that our linguistic nature is
hard-wired into our genes. Because they
diminish the influence of environment on human
behaviour, such claims can be used to suggest
that certain modes of social organization are
natural and immutable. As a result, they have
often been associated with conservative politics."
So far so good...
Hawkes then goes on to repeatedly
insist (only proven by assertion,
as far as I can tell) that there My version of this
are Big Problems here that Chomsky "problem" is up here:
is dancing away from.
There might "appear" to be a
contradiction, but it does indeed
just rest on an association, and
that might be mistaken.
The idea that conservative
doctrine is necessarily For example, consider
supported by a belief in genetic the case of homosexuality,
inheritence is exaggerated: where liberals like to
believe it's genetically
NATURE_OF_THE_WALLS inherited (something
inevitable, not a matter
of choice), and
If one wanted to resolve conservatives seem to fear
this apparent contradiction that it's a learned
(instead of just intone some behavior that, for
nasal "tut tuts") one could example, a queer teacher
come at it a number of ways. might pass on to students.
Norbert Hornstein calls it a
slippery slope argument: just And I see that Hornstein
because one human capacity is goes on to make arguments
genetically inherited doesn't similar to mine. (And he
mean that all of them are. got his remarks out back
in 2012).
I gather that this
is not Chomsky's take,
The way I would resolve the
apparent contradiction:
We may have many tendecies,
inherited or not, and they
may be opposed to each other
in practice.
Maybe we are genetically inclined
to be self-centered bastards in our
foreign policy, but it does not
follow that genes are destiny, and As always, we talk about
that there's no way we can learn to the inheritence of very
overcome that tendency. ellusive qualities: a
tendency, a capablity.
We may possess both tendencies toward
aggression at defending the group,
and tendencies toward reaching out
with cooperative overtures, and
whether there's something genetic
about one or both of these, we might
call upon our learning to decide
which capability to deploy in a given