August 9, 2023

                                             Our initial impression: nice
                                             trailer, but do we really want
   Dangerbaby objects to one                 to see a few hours of that?
   aspect of the Barbie movie:
   she thinks there should've                Dangerbaby rapidly converted
   been at least one positive                from skeptic to extreme fan,
   male character, an "ally" of              and it's true this movie is
   the Barbies.  As it stands                better than you'd expect.
   the movie is open to a
   charge of anti-male sexism.

     (I gather our conservative friends
     are having fun with that line, but        Actually, there's one point
     I haven't been keeping up with the        I might make: the film objects
     state-of-the-bullshit.)                   to the contradictions in
                                               expectations for women: it
                                               leads up to a speech
                                               stepping through some of the
     That aspect didn't bother me              impossible double-binds women
     that much-- the problem that I            get stuck with.
     have with it is the situation at
     the story's close: we have                   But you know:
     Barbie and Ken in existential                not-just-women.
     crisis, looking for a new center
     for their existence, some way of             Men are stuck with the
     defining what they're about.                 expectation that that they
                                                  can solve any problem,
     The trouble here is that there are           they'll always tough it
     some arbitrary boundaries put on             out, buckle down, work
     how they're allowed to define                harder, find another
     themselves: Ken is told flat out             option, invent a new
     that "Beach" can not be his                  solution-- Having trouble
     purpose in life-- but why not?               finding a job?  having
     Who is to say that's wrong?                  trouble finding a
                                                  girlfriend?  What are you
          All you can really say is that          whining about? Just hustle
          you personally don't see the            a little harder.
          appeal.  Maybe you don't
          understand why any one would                  And if anything goes
          see the appeal-- The question                 wrong along the way
          is why is your idea about these               it is *definitely*
          things better than Ken's?                     "Always your fault."

     Ken is essentially told he has to
     re-define his existence without              
     reference to anything else he's        There's also nothing particularly       
     ever cared about, which sounds         wrong with Ken deciding that sex       
     like a pretty good trick.              is pretty important to him, though       
                                            it's evidently not going to be sex       
                                            with Stereotypic Barbie.          
  What is the film's actual                                                
  message, what is it's                              BARBIE_VS_SEX                        
  stance on Barbie-ism?                        
      What if you're someone who chooses to
      do your best to live like Barbie?

      The film rejects this out-of-hand as
      shallow and impossible, but if you met
      someone whose joy in life revolved
      around splashing in those shallows in
      pink heels-- would you be willing to
      dictate to them how they should
      live, and what they should really care
      about?  Maybe Barbie isn't the real
      "fascist" on this scene.

                "There's more than one answer to these questions
                Pointing me in a crooked line
                And the less I seek my source for some definitive
                The closer I am to fine, yeah"

                       -- Indigo Girls, "Closer to Fine"
