December 07, 2010
I wrote a lot of material for the
"Beat Generation" page, and one of
the things I said in the introduction
was this:
"Calling this relatively small group
of struggling writers, artists, BEAT
hustlers and drug addicts a
'generation' was to make the claim
that they were representative and
important -- the beginnings of a new
trend, analogous to the influential
Lost Generation. This is the kind of
bold move that could be seen as
delusions of grandeur, aggressive
salesmanship or perhaps a display of
perceptive insight. History shows it
was clearly not just a delusion, but
possibly a real insight into some
real trends that became
self-reinforcing: the label helped
to create what it described."
This version of the introduction
did not last long.
I won't quibble about the fact that
the phrasing may be awkward here, but It's a hell of a lot
the reason it's awkward is that I'm in better than the current
a difficult position: incarnation, though,
which babbles quasi-
Did it make any sense for Kerouac coherently for no
to make a claim about the entire good reason.
post-war generation?
(Actually, it's gotten
In retrospect, it seems like the a *little* tighter now.
"Beat Generation" was a real -- Oct 11, 2007)
phenomena, but it's at least
arguable that it was Kerouac's
*claim* that it was a phenomena It often seems to me
that helped to create it. that this is the way
it goes...
The trouble with just saying
that is that as far as I know
this is an *original insight* GENERATING_BEAT
on my part.
Writer's working the beat lit
criticism racket are not For that matter, it should
inclined to make the point be a pretty obvious point
that there may not have been that Kerouac was really
a there there before someone out-to-lunch in a lot of ways.
pointed at it.
Alcohol-addled when
It would appear that the only not speed-crazed.
thing you can do is to repeat
what everyone else has said But there's no percentage in
on the subject uncritically. standing in the way of hero-
Even if it means passing
along a slick piece of
press agentry by Kerouac
and Holmes.
That's "neutrality" by
wikipedia standards.