July 28, 2009
October 30, 2009
Consider the defense: May 12, 2010
"Inappropriate? Come on,
it was just a *joke*."
But obviously, it wouldn't
have been funny if it Or at least a suprising
wasn't inappropriate. display, an unexpected But it might strike
context-shift. you as "witty" if
This kind of humor it were riding on
relies on sexual the wave of a
hang-ups, it relies changing social
on it being at least You might look at standard, if
a minor taboo this as a division before-hand it
violation. of different seemed like a
sub-cultures, if surprise, but in
(I have my doubts I you get it, you're retrospect it
would've thought it an "insider", if seemed more natural,
was all that funny... you're offended, an "of course" item.
Not that I want to you're on the outs.
to blow my own horn.) Humor can be the
Ted Nelson after advance guard of
There really is a need his seminal talk change-- e.g. queer
to accept arbitrary on teledildonics men are currently
social constraints... later commented frequently used as
that he was comic figures: This
E.g. you don't masturbate surprised at the probably does show
in public (unless you're reception it lingering prejudice,
at a gathering where recieved. but it may also be a
that's accepted behavior). mechanism for
He somehow felt overcoming that
It's hard to think of a that "computer prejudice.
activity more harmless people" were
than masturbating on a people who were Fear giving way
park bench on a warm, open to new to ridicule,
sunny afternoon, but ideas of all giving way to
there is no way you can sorts, i.e. he acceptance.
expect it to be thought he was
"inoffensive". speaking to an
in-crowd and
And in point of fact was evidently
someone willing to surprised at These two cases--
violate this taboo the presence of a gradient of time,
almost certainly "straights". or a gradient of
really has something culture can merge
seriously wrong with if the "insider"
them. Shunning culture is the
someone who does this advance culture,
openly is not just the "trend-setters".
mindless prejudice,
it's a sensible But the cases may
recognition of a differ: the insiders
symptom of disorder. pushing for more
relaxed sexual rules
But then attitudes have often been
do change, morés are precursors of change,
not fixed. but the dominant
culture does seem to
Someday, even something veer back and forth
like this prohibition in somewhat
might soften or fade. Folsom Street unpredictable ways.
über alles
"Anything goes, today."
has always been an
I suspect the fellow who
gave the talk thinks of Still, if I had
himself as representative to bet, I would
of a new era where all are bet on a future
(or shortly will be) more of increasing
comfortable about sexual social liberty.
A less "puritanical"
He feels like culture, if not an
he's moved beyond irresponsible one.
the need to keep And in this case,
his interest in the feminists
pornography a are arguing he
secret... should keep his
sexuality in the
closet. Don't ask
But even if he's called don't tell.
this right, it doesn't
mean he's not a dork.
If we ever really do move beyond the
old puritanical attitudes, this talk
will seem, in retrospect, remarkably
silly-- a symptom of someone "trying Myself, I really
too hard". wish we were living in
a world where everyone
just went "what a
dork!" and moved on.