July    28, 2009
Let's look at the people                         October 30, 2009
taking the offensive side                        May     12, 2010
against this allegedly
offensive talk:
   The strongest criticism has
   come from people who describe
   themselves as feminists.

   They claim to be
   representing the                   A continual problem with
   interests of women                 feminist activists is that
   in general.                        they have a tendency to
                                      act like they're speaking
   Is geek culture driving            for all women, everywhere.
   women away with a boy's
   club atmosphere?                              But then, maybe this is
                                                 characteristic of
   One of their premises:                        "identity politics" in
   sexual material is                            general.  Holding the
   inherently offensive                          power to define that
   to women.                                     identity is critical.

                The number of un-examined
                assumptions there is amazing.

                       Am I allowed to think that sexual
                       humor is often heavy-handed and
                       dorky, or am I being a traitor to
                       my own sex?

                       Are women who think sexual
                       humor is funny being
                       traitors to their own sex?        Or is it just: "we
                                                         don't have to pay
                                                         any attention to
                                                         them, because
                                                         they're not normal
                                                         like us."

                   I would've thought we were
                   long passed this by now, 
                   the "Sex Positive" style of       [ref]
                   feminism should be old news...
                          We've been down this road before:
                          the 70s feminists that gave rise
                          Dworkin/MacKinnon, the eventual
                          counter-attacks from Susie Bright,          CORRECT
                          Camille Paglia...



                          "Third-wave feminism seeks to challenge
                          or avoid what it deems the second
                          wave's 'essentialist' definitions of
                          femininity, which often assumed a
                          universal female identity ..."

                          But then this is not quite
                          the revival of Dworkin:

                          Quoting jarich:

                           "Porn does not belong at conferences,
                           or in user group talks, or in the
                           board room. Porn, although a
                           wonderful and fun thing, should be
                           private; or at most - shared with
                           close friends in an intimate setting."

                                                Once upon a time, people
                                                did not say anything this
                                                positive about pornography
                                                in public...  certainly
                                                feminists would not say this.

                                                        We're living in a
                                                        different world:
                                                        attitudes towards
                                                        pornography are
                                                        changing rapidly:


            Jarich again:

            "It's always a bad idea to
            distract your audience's
            attention away from the
            topic at hand"

                       But don't arguments like
                       this apply equally well
                       to things like Star Wars       Really, when talking
                       and Star Trek jokes?           about technical
                                                      material, it's a
                       People have a way of           common technique to
                       making up new,                 try to supply
     Never kiss        selectively applied            colorful examples.
     in public!        rules when you get
     (if you're        near the edge cases.           Consider the Josh
     queer).                                          Berkus talk about
                       The actual rule is not         combinatorics that
                       "never go off topic",          uses David Bowie's
                       it's more like "you must       love life to
                       be conventional to avoid       illustrate the material.
                       giving offense".
                                                      Would the people
                                                      offended by the
                                                      "Perform Like a Pr0n
                                                      Star" talk be bothered
                                                      by that Berkus talk?

                                                      I suspect not, because
                                                      a lot of what was
                                                      irritating about the
                                                      "Pr0n Perform" schtick
                                                      is a little more
                                                      subtle than just that
                                                      it was "sexual" -- the
                                                      imagery used was too
                                                      close to diet soda
                                                      commercials.  The
                                                      slick-looking, tight
                                                      skinny bodies aren't
                   Here, the traditional              just sexual, they're
                   70s-style feminists might          sexual in a way that's
                   dial-up a phrase like              very mainstream and
                   "objectification of women",        yet distinctly uncool.
                   but what I'm arguing is that
                   sometimes sexual imagery           It's entirely possible
                   seems like "objectification"       that the trouble with
                   *and sometimes it doesn't*,        that talk wasn't that
                   and the reason why or why          it violated convention,
                   not isn't anything you can         but that it was *too*
                   look up in your doctrine.          conventional.

             Amy Newell: "I understand that the
             ruby community prides itself on its
             un- or anti-professionalism. But       [ref]
             some professional norms exist for
             very good reasons: because they
             make it easier for people of            I've always been skeptical
             different backgrounds and life          that you can flip on the
             experiences to come together and        "bland" switch for half of
             work productively and respectfully."    your waking life, and then
                                                     go back to being a real
                                                     person for the other half.


             Amy Newell again:

             "One doesn't have to be an uptight
             square to suggest that aggressive
             displays of sexual content at
             programming conferences perhaps
             decrease, rather than increase the      Making a big deal out
             ability of those attending to learn     of the issue of sexual
             and focus on the technology itself."    content at programming
                                                     conferences can also
                 Okay.  Couldn't one argue           be a distraction...
                 that, for example, it's a
                 distraction to have openly          Self-consciousness about
                 gay people around at work?          these behavioral codes
                                                     can be counter-productive
                 There was a time when               to the acceptance of
                 people argued that women            women as equals.
                 in university settings
                 were a distracting element.           Some of the critics
                                                       say that the sexual
          The critics here are seeing a                material is jarring
          hard line between "appropriate"              because it suddenly
          and "inappropriate", but it                  reminds the women
          strikes me as being much more                present of their
          provisional and temporary.                   specialness, it
                                                       pushes them outside...
The story here is not the
enlightened feminists up                               But it would appear
against the insensitive males,                         that they're
it's more like the                                     arguing that women
                                                       are indeed special:
  more-normal-than-thou                                they need special
                                                       treatment in order
up against the                                         to feel accepted.

  trying-too-hard-to-be-cool                           HIVE_VAGINA
