A good example of working bottoms-up,
might be Gregory Benford.
The novel _In The Ocean of Night_,
was written in many pieces. It was
cobbled together from some short I've always been fascinated by
stories that probably were intended this approach: it's the way
to stand-alone originally, plus some Hammet wrote "The Dain Curse"
other pieces that look like they were and "Red Harvest".
written with the novel in mind,
though they were published before it, The disguised serial.
with prefunctory false endings that
were later deleted.
Benford is an excellent example of
a highly productive man, working
full time as a physicist at UC Irvine,
while also writing stories and also BEYOND
doing a number of other things.
When asked how he does it, he
recommends getting in the habit of
dealing with things immediately.
When you read a letter, you should When I try to apply this
write the response immediately rule, I wind up carrying
while the letter is in your hand. around un-opened letters
for weeks, waiting for a
moment to read them when
I'll have time to reply.