Early 90s
Add: August 10, 2010
So I guess I'm arguing
for Bottom Up approaches NELSON
to life here.
The arguments against
this are legion among Or they were, back in the
computer science types. "structured programming" days...
They pay lip service to
Nelson's idea of software But this method has met with
design: have one person limited sucess for Nelson,
figure it all out, and perhaps because the flunkies
let some team of flunky have a habit of losing And there's a
programmers code it up. interest, or missing the point. newer school of
thought about
But more than this: you can "agile" dev
get lost in abstractions practices that
this way. And waste a lot argues against
of time thinking about being quite this
things that can't really be rigid.
done practically. (I doubt that this is
Nelson's problem.) AGILE
Working bottom up makes it
more likely your
intermediate results will
be worth something.
Possibly you can sell them,
or use them as demos, and
finance the whole project
this way. Or if you're
interrupted, maybe you'll
have a partial solution to
your problems that you can (This may very well be one
live with. of Ted Nelson's problems.)