February 11, 2005
"But as far as individuals changing things?
Well: master of your soul? Maybe.
Captain of your fate? Never."
-- Delany's "1984", p. 86, para 7.
Early in Delany's novel Dhalgren
the main character claims to WANDERING_PURPOSE
have no purpose beyond survival,
but it's clearly just a fiction; (*another* kind
an over-simplification, of fiction)
something you say to avoid
thinking too hard, or avoid His purpose is not
saying too much. something that he
knows a lot about.
Is there a
No one can be in control
of their fate, and yet,
to not even try to control Though it could be that
it is a guarantee that the woman here may
you'll be "deadly dull". literally be making the
point that he's allowed
to be this shapeless, Or realer than
*because* he's a real most fictional
character. characters.
Anyway, my first impulse,
my prejudice, is to agree (e.g. as in WAR_AND_PEACE
with the view of human "War and Peace")
nature as expressed in
"1984" -- but Delany puts HISTORYS_SLAVE
it rather strongly.
Strongly enough to
make me wonder if
it's right.
Maybe it's the Try to think of some
sort of thing counter examples.
that sounds
good because it
sounds bad.
Ugly truths
Perhaps this sound so much Really, I expect that
is the true, truer. there are some
central circumstances where
difference PRETTY_TRUE individual action is
between the ineffective, other's
realist and where it's crucial.
the romantic.
What kind of character can you be?
In what sort of story?