August 4, 2010
A piece of jargon I picked
up from interviews with
artists in the comics/
cartooning business:
There's an old joke about
"big head" vs. "little head" how "the little head isn't
as smart as the big head".
This refers to two different
styles of graphic art. The In the comic art
"big head" style is a broad, world, it's the Except that
comedic form: short, puffy other way around. getting buffoonery
bodies, over-whelmed by giant right is no joke.
tottering heads.
As someone -- I forget who --
The "little head" style is observed some time back,
intended to be more realistic, this "big head" style apparently
more naturalistic, an attempt registers as "cute" because
at rendering human beings in it's close to the appearence
something like their normal of human babies.
There was a careful study
So, big head and done of Disney art,
little head is one demonstrating that Mickey
axis of variation... Mouse had gradually moved
realistic as opposed from rodent-like to
to comedic, rather baby-like in gradual stages.
than realistic as
opposed to romatic. PLAYING_ANGLES
The people who like
DRY_FLESH this stuff are
also, usually the
Then there are oddities people who've
out their like Will decided that the
Eisner's spirit. His central purpose of
human figures used to life is raising
seem too much like kids, bringing up
goofy "big-head" the next generation.
cartooning to me, but
riding the subway The "hipsters" who look
around New York one askance at it tend to be
day, it occured to me (but are not limited to)
that real people look people like myself who've
an awful lot like Will given child-raising a pass.
Eisner cartoons.