February 16, 2007

   Brian Eno, in a 2003 talk in the Long Now
   series, talks about the way things seemed
   to him in New York when he moved there in
   the late 70s.


   He tells an anecdote about a rich person
   living under fortress-like conditions
   in a run-down neighborhood.

   When asked "Do you like living here?"
   she responds "Sure, it's the best
   place I've ever lived."
   He realizes that her definition of
   "here" was much narrower than his                   He goes on to talk
   definition, and it stopped at the                   about trying to
   walls of the apartment.                             create a music
                                                       that embraced
     He commented that this                            the "Big Here",
     seemed like a very New                            i.e. "My Life in
     York attitude --                                  the Bush of Ghosts"...

   I would suggest that this is probably                 (The idea behind
   true, but only for a particular class                 what we now often call
   of people in New York.                                "world music"?)

   For many, many people New York is
   all about neighborhoods, to the
   point where it often seems like a        JANE_JACOBS
   gigantic cluster of small towns.
