June 6, 2010
October 25, 2013
There's a subject I touch on every so often:
I've always been something of a compulsive loner,
but I've always *wanted* to have a people to call
my own, a circle that I can belong to.
In CometBus #53, there's an anecdote that
resonates: the guy was coming home late
after seeing a really good punk show, and
he was still feeling too jazzed up to want It's always been a
to go home, so he just stayed on the G grave disappointment
train, and rode it all the way up to to me that the only
Greenpoint, where he dropped in at Angry other people who want
Donut Man and found a bunch of his friends to live like speed
hanging around at 3am on a Thursday night. freaks are typically
just speed freaks.
I can remembering being a teenager
looking longingly at a group of cool
kids hanging around on the football When I actually talked
bleachers out in the school yard to one of them, I realized
behind my house. I often thought they were actually pretty
about how I would make the approach. stupid. Most likely they
had all just been getting
stoned every evening.
This was back in the early
70s, long before the nerds
had gotten their revenge.
But then, I *could've*
were-- did I feel like
BRAND_X they were too damaged?
All friendships are provisional,
temporary alliances.
You can't expect too much from people.