February 10, 2008
Nicolas Nassim Taleb
"The Black Swan: Note: this page isn't
the Impact of the Highly about Rafael Sabatini!
Improbable" (2007)
For once I'm
talking about
Taleb's basic message: something
We repeatedly encounter
extreme events that we
pretend were obvious in And that sets us up for
retrospect. being blindsided by the
next extreme events.
The commonly used tools of
statistical planning rule out
the existence of these extreme
events, making a subtle
assumption that tomorrow will
essentially be like today.
We over-apply the Gaussian
distribution, and ignore the
"Mandelbrotian": the
Gaussian presumes that
there's an average, and a
scatter of values around This rules out
that average that gradually extreme occurrences
tapers off. by fiat.
He complains of the "ludic fallacy":
modeling the world as one of the
standard "games of chance".
Rolling a pair of dice
builds up a bell
curve centered around seven You know in advance that
with values lopped off at no one will slip in a new
snake eyes and boxcars. invention like a die with
more sides that counts
Often, the real world higher than six: that
phenomena we care about -- would be cheating.
let's say, the traffic on
your website -- only looks No such rules
bounded over the short apply in the (Unless the
term. At any moment real world industry is
strange leaps and crashes heavily
may occur -- and lacking unionized.)
any good way of dealing
with those possibilities, But then, I would (Or protected
we tend to ignore them. not say Taleb has by patents.)
any really good way
of dealing with the
possibility of His financial advice
extreme events. is to go with a
"barbell" strategy:
combine the extremely
safe and the wildly
He warns against trusting people
who act like they know everything
and claim they can manage risk
with whizzy mathematical models.
Myself, I didn't particularly
need to hear Taleb's expose
of financial advisers...
People with hard-science
backgrounds don't tend to SAN_FRANCISCO_DREAMING
have a huge amount of
respect for these folks.
Comments abound such as:
"Economics? But
it doesn't work."