March 3, 2013
This is a subject that's been
coming up more often of late:
"Are Psychopaths Good for Business & Society?",
Feb 27, 2013, by workingwords at the Dailykos.
There's apparently some evidence to show
that CEOs are more likely to be "psychopaths", A related subject is the
i.e. to lack empathy for other human beings. point that if "corporations"
are taken as human beings,
The question asked in that they're very strange humans
headline was probably that by nature (and
intended to be rhetorical, arguably, by law) are
but it might be worth capable of only a very
taking seriously. narrow, short-sighted
The claim would be that
this sort of "psychopath"
may actually serve a useful
social function. The Myself, I've always liked the
ruthless leader may be contrary position, that the
useful for the survival and corporate leader as benevolent
profitability of a company dictator (paternal figure?) is a
and throughout the economy better model for success. You can
as a whole, may be helpful find examples of companies that
for "maximizing economic got that to work (at least for
efficiency". awhile).
The continued dominance of meat-grinders
like Intel is a disturbing contrary
trend. Why is it that their good
employees don't all quit and find
someplace better to go?
As far as I can tell, that's one of the
forces that helped AMD keep neck-and-neck
with Intel in raw specs. They've never
managed to catch up in production
capability, though.
In some places here I lament
that citizen's are too easily
swayed by emotional arguments...
The boss psychos' supposed
advantage is that they
are not swayed by "dramatics"...
Consider the scanners and the cranched.
The boss psycho is the scanner as boss,
the inhuman monster who is, because of his
inhumanity, is capable of making tough/ruthless
decisions that benefit the whole (or so we
hope) rather than just the individual.
The boss psycho has no problem with
rational tradeoffs of human lives, and
is unlikely to be stampeded into a panic
simply because lives are at stake.
And yet, we've seen situations where the boss
psychos probably *should* be more reluctant to
play with human lives-- under Bush Jr. we've
had a "strong man" government that's done some
severe damage to the United States as a
by-product of it's tough-minded decision making
(Or at least we *hope* it's a by-product.)