"And even when
the question finds the answer,
Then even then,
There's something like a dancer..."
"Day and Night"
by Jim Carrol
The rational does not exist on I think I first
it's own. You can't proceed came across this
without guesses, intuition, idea in _Zen & the
without art? Art of Motorcycle A book I
Science Maintenance_. first
The Apollonian connected to heard read
and the Dionysian, esthetics. on WBAI,
a dialect ripe for then read
synthesis? myself a
TRAGEDY few times.
I thought
that "cyber- Very well
punk" might written,
become such lots of
a synthesis. interesting
stuff in it,
"I have hopes though it's
that it can be ultimate
a place to take conclusion
new stances across seemed weak.
some of the old Those silly
boundaries -- What do you do diagrams.
passion and PUNK with the (probably A hierarchy
intellect; quite true) with quality
freedom and acusation that on top.
organization." there is no such What do you
-- Me, in REM:4 thing as _do_ with it?
dated July '86. objectivity,
that on some
It mostly hasn't level you always
worked out that see what you look I.e., you see
way, though Bruce for rather than with a sense
Sterling gets "what's actually of values,
close on occasion. there"? of quality...
Like the short Even when I say that
"The Beautiful this accusation is
and the Sublime", "quite true", I'm
where he plays contradicting it,
role reversal Can you objectively
games with know that subjectivity
scientists and rules?
artists. OBJECT