September 10, 2006         
I don't put a lot of energy into                                         
thinking about the meaning of the                                        
Ritual itself: the burning of a                                          
gigantic, nominally male, effigy                                         
out in the desert -- I tend to           I like Kevin Kelley's insight   
assume it doesn't really have much       on this: Burning Man has all    
meaning.                                 the trappings of a religious    
                                         ritual, without a religion to   
                                         go with it.                     
I've heard a number of people                                            
expound on "What the Man Means                                           
to Me", though:                                                          
   (1) Mardi Grai/Lent: the burning                                      
   of the man is the embrace of the                                      
   party-party spirt, followed by                                        
   it's destruction; then a return                                           
   to a more serious existence.                                              
   (2) Radical self-destruction.                                             
   The Man embodies everything about            A quip I'm always looking    
   yourself that you need to destroy            for an occasion to use:      
   in order to move forward.                                                 
                                                  Burning Man is about       
                                                  radical self-deception.    
                 I once heard David Best give a                              
                 talk at Burning Man at one of                               
                 the "Temples" he designed.  He
                 spoke about the the see-sawing
                 reputations of artists:

                    first you're unknown,
                    then you're inexperienced,
                    then you're promising,
                    then you're too commercial,
                    then you're a genius,
                    then you're overrated,
                    then you're an idiot...

                    He concluded:

                    "That's not going to
                    happen with this.
                    Because we're going
                    to burn it."

                    The flame lives
                    only in the moment.
