July 30, 2018
In S.N. Butcher's commentary on Aristotle's
"Poetics", he discusses the attitude toward
The Arts on display in Plato's Republic: ARISTOTLE_POETICS
For Plato, reality is a shadow of an
unseen ideal realm, and art is a mere
imitation of the real, hence it's two
steps removed, a shadow of a shadow.
But then, art is itself a real phenomena,
it's something that human beings engage in, And art *can* be a
in the real world. distorted reflection
of the real, but it
And I see that Aristotle in "The Poetics" isn't confined to that.
got there ahead of me:
You can start with the
"Imitation, then, is one medium, let the materials
instinct of our nature." speak to you.