April 6, 2017
Let's roll back the clock to
those golden days of 2008.
Steven Pinker's essay "A Biological Understanding
of Human Nature", published in John Brockman's
"Science at the Edge".
I presume this is covering
the same ground as Pinker's
book, "The Blank Slate".
Pinker is annoyed at the left's rejection of
biological explanations of human nature. He's PINKER_BIOLOGY
convinced that the evidence-- that is, twin
studies-- shows that half of human behavior is
biologically inherited and the other half isn't
exactly "nurture"-- it's complicated and unclear,
but to start with you might call it "random".
Among other things, he makes the point that this
view of human nature does not obviate social
"We know that there can be social improvement because
we know that there *has* been social improvement-- the
end of slavery, torture, blood feuds, despotism, and
the ownership of women in western democracies."
So, in the Pinker-verse, despite a relatively
inflexible human nature that you might think
might make changes in the behavior of
individuals and societies difficult, there are
ways this can still happen.
Might I suggest that the blank
slate doctrine has also led in
directions that most of us would
approve? Many of the examples of
social progress Pinker cites
early on would seem to be the
results of the efforts of people
who were motivated in part with a You see: Pinker could be
belief in something like "the correct that the "blank slate"
blank slate". is severely in error, he could
be right that biological
determinism theoretically need
not convince that social
progress is impossible-- and
still be completely wrong about
the actual impact of belief in
biological determinism.
Is he willing to take
responsibility of the
misapplication of the
He closes with a bit that claims doctrine he advocates?
the example of the Soviet Union Not even when it's
cancels the example of Nazi likely and predictable?
(For extra-credit: use
See, you can get authoritarianism socbiology to prove that
without the racism, so racism socbiology is socially
need not lead to authoritarianism. harmful.)
So it's all okay then.
Or something like that.