November 5, 2009
Chinatown means different things to different
people... this is what it means to me:
Some people I know, visiting San Francisco
for the first time, did a quick visit to
Chinatown, and they commented something
"It seemed so touristy! But of
course, that was just Grant
Street. I understand that there
are other parts of it that are
I'm afraid I just looked at them
blankly. There was just too much
to say at that point. For example:
It's true that there are "Touristy? Yes. But
places like the Stockton aren't you a tourist?"
street strip that runs
parallel to Grant which has Or:
more produce markets and
bakeries and so on: it does "What do you want,
seem more like a place for Tong wars?"
the locals.
My understanding of the
history of Chinatown is It depends on your impression
that at one point the city of Chinese culture. Selling
government was seriously any goddamn thing that some
thinking about moving it white asshole is willing to
further away from the buy strikes me as being a
center of town, but the pretty Chinese thing to do.
community leaders brokered
a deal to turn it into a
tourist attraction. But then, that's all a
little too arch...
Do those stagey Fisherman's Wharf is a
chinese-theme lampposts good example of a place
strike you as phoney? that's gone so far over
the edge into being
"touristy" that no one
To me they seem like who knows anything
protective coloring, regards it as anything
a clever maneuver. like authentic.