November 3, 2009
The Sunfish, having developed in
interest in things Mexican, decided SUN_FISH
she wanted to attend the 2009, "Day of
the Dead" procession in San
I didn't comment on the "Mexican"
angle at first, because I'm not
that clear on the history of the
"Day of the Dead" customs, but I A wikipedia remark
had the impression that it wasn't hints that the San
exactly *traditional*, more like a Francisco version
modern mutation of a set of is diverging:
"Similar traditional and
And the SF "Day of the Dead" is inter-cultural updating of
as much or more a white hipster Mexican celebrations is
affair as it is a latino one. occurring in San Francisco"
She seemed a little (but only a little)
dissapointed by the proceedings, and
I wondered if she might be objecting Though she didn't
to all the whiteys-in-whiteface. really admit that this
was it... and after all
I talked a little bit it would be a bit much
about what I thought of for a whitey to go
the problems of authenticity. around complaining
about all those other
FIRE_DANCE whiteys who are
interested in your pet
FILLMORE_GOES_SOUTH adopted ethnicity.
On my way home, a worker
leaving the library (closing
at 9pm), who I would guess
was latina, loudly remarked While I'm guessing:
"this is so annoying! lesbian, dyke.
look at all those white
people in 'Dia de los Muertos'
Some obvious remarks:
Would it be better if they
were ignorant and contemptuous And some obvious counters:
of latin culture? there's an asymmetry in
power between the dominant
How would the latina woman culture and this minority.
feel if she were told she were Some sort of "cultural
not allowed to participate in protectionism" might be
WASP culture? justified as a shield against
the dominant culture.
But there's no reason to
assume that the latin is
inherently weaker, and
But the fear would be the adoption of this
that the newcomers ceremony by the
might be clueless hipster-vanguard might be
about some subtleties: a sign of the latin
a rapid influx can beginning to take over
threaten to overwhelm (or at least strongly
what was good about influence) the dominant
the original ceremony. culture.