September 26, 2013
It's an interesting thing about
the Hearst-Owned San Francisco I'd love to see an initiative
Chronicle... requiring any company that
uses San Francisco in their
They often seem to really have it name to prominently specify
in for Oakland, the stories they their actual owners.
run about Oakland's evident
problems always have an "Abandon PLACE_FIRST
all hope!" tone to them.
Have they bought real estate on the West side of
the bay, and don't want anyone thinking about
moving to Oakland?
Or maybe they're trying to soften the place
up for a clean-up the streets campaign (i.e.
move those housing projects out-of-town...
perhaps near San Quentin?).
Or it could be a kind of reflexive social
response, it's just the attitude of the
kind of people who want to work for a As I've mentioned before:
disguised conservative organ like the in SF, the Republicans
Chronicle... it might not even precisely are non-starters, so
be racism, just a conviction that the the establishment maintains
neat and clean suburban slick lifestyle control of the Democrats
is the only one worth living. instead. The Chron will
score points with the locals
by sneering at the national-
But myself, I'm happy to play level Republicans, but on
along, and I tell stories local issues they're with
about the gunplay of Oakland the big money, all the way.
ever chance I get.
In fact, there was a shooting
No one who's been on 7th Street, just a block
scared by SF from my apartment, just last
gentrification week.
passes up a
weapon to scare
away the wimps.