February 15, 2010
August 12, 2011
Charles S Peirce, "How to Make our Ideas Clear" (1897):
"The very first lesson that we have a right
to demand that logic shall teach us is, how
to make our ideas clear ..."
Here, by "clear" Peirce
means a clearing away, he's Reading between the lines
a believer in elegance... one can infer an approval
of monotheism.
That stands in contrast
to William James, the
great popularizer of
"pragmatism", who spoke
eloquently of embracing
the diverse phenomena
of the universe, over
the idealized view of
Perhaps this is why Peirce tried to distance
himself from this "pragmatism", and the term
he invented, later concocting a new term:
Peirce presumes that
the number of words
(terminology) corresponds Compare this to the hard-to-shake notion of
to the number of ideas. many programmers that the best solution is
And suggests that you can the one that uses the fewest lines of code.
have too many.
(Ah, if only we could get it
"A nation, it is true, may, down to *one* line, the god-line
in the course of generations, that writes all others... in
overcome the disadvantage of "The Final Program".)
an excessive wealth of
language and its natural
concomitant, a vast, And of course, there are
unfathomable deep of ideas." vast gulfs between this
attitude and our present,
conventional opinions:
But he has
a strange A touch of We regard English as a
ways of hypocrisy? rich language because
using words Peirce adds of a wealth of synonyms
(and he linguistic with subtle differences.
admits as complexity.
much). And we complain about
THE_PEIRCE_HABIT "jargon", the invention
of new terminology without
These dualities significant differences
are presented as from the old.
doubt vs belief
indecision vs decision
A "feigned hesitancy" is used
A belief is a decision to mean idle speculation.
about what is true.