Once upon a time, a brief article 
appeared in the Patchin review, 
by a paperback cover artist who
claimed to have noted patterns 
in the appearence of characters 
in genre fantasy.  Green eyes means
one thing.  Red hair means another. 
The question is raised:
isn't this a form of racism?
Perhaps unconscious? 
In RAND I assume
that certain types of characters 
*should* have hair of a 
certain color: black indicates   
"evil" or at least "rebellious", 

Coming from a different
direction: The author of a
Lando Calrissian                   (Was that John 
novelization complains that         Shirley?)
his books sold far less well
than other Star Wars books.  
The suspicion being that your 
typical skiffy adventure fan
doesn't want to see no black 
faces on the covers.  
And the third star wars movie really
down played the Lando character that
the second introduced...                 
