RAND talks about
"slavery" a lot.
Every form of coercion
gets labeled "slavery".
Taxpayers = slaves,
because they're
forced to work for
causes they don't
necesarily believe in.
(May 13, 2003)
There are two
troubles with The rhetorical force
taking this it seems to have is
kind of line. largely effective only
on people who buy the
argument already.
An opponent need not
buy into your extreme On people who don't
definitions: the it sounds like
American taxpayer is extremist nonsense
not *precisely* a that most likely
slave. All of our isn't worth any
wealth is not taxed. We might be follow-up.
80% slaves.
Also we have a Being able to
substantial win in court
amount of isn't enough:
choice in what you also need
work we do to to make it into
produce the the court room.
taxed wealth.
And in how much
work we do.
The taxman has
federal guns behind him.
The slavemaster has
the overseer's whip.
But that similarity
shouldn't blind you
to real differences.