The Outlaw zones in _I Will Fear No Evil_,
bear some slight resemblence to the
Heinlein's short-story "Coventry"
was about a large region that the
government has set aside to
isolate malcontents.
However implausible, this is
very nice attempt at coming November 23, 2005
up with an ethically clean,
theoretical solution to the The Toadkeeper came back
problem of what to do with to this idea now and then.
people who want no part of
your "social contract". If you can't live
with them, but
don't want to
In _Fear_ the "outlaw zones" deny them the
are not prisons, but regions right to live
the government decided they without you, then
just couldn't control, or Coventry is a
weren't worth controlling... solution, maybe
*the* solution.
(Or more likely, were bribed
to let run free by the Compare that to
interests controlling the Rousseau's
casinos/night-clubs, etc...) "social contract":
no one ever asks
you to sign it,
and you can't
opt out of it.