Theodore Sturgeon had a similar
approach (he called it "asking
Throughout Heinlein's the next question"). Sturgeon
life, questioning taboos got to incest first: "If All Men
(asking "Why not?") was Were Brothers, Would You Let One
one of his standard Marry Your Sister?"
approaches to problems,
in his later (and _Time Enough for Love_ STURGEON
unfortunately lesser) (cf. "Da Capo", the
novels he started concluding
attacking sexual taboos, time-travel/incest
including incest. fantasy).
One of the reason these
things seem like such weak
novels to me is that there's
no recognition that such
social experiments can fail.
Heinlein heroes often seem to
be perfect entities who are
almost always in charge of
their emotions: they are never
unreasonably jealous.
However, in _To Sail Beyond
the Sunset_, we're shown the
other side of these things.
Living in a family where
recreational incest is the
norm leads to a jealous
rivalry between two
sons fighting for the
attentions of a daughter.
Maureen's open relationship
leads to a divorce. Her husband decides he
prefers the younger woman
Maureen is left with at in the menage et trios. Or... at least
least some doubt about that's the way
how she's lived... Maureen seems
to see it.
Writing your own rules A close reading suggests
for living is diving off that Brian (her husband)
into an unknown sea where has some reason on his side:
you may win big or lose
horribly. In effect Brian is a man with
two wives, one of which is
Heinlein, at last, seems past child-bearing age.
to be dealing with the
real issue. Of all the Living in the United States
later works, this one early in the 1900s, he has a
seems the strongest. woman in the household bearing
children, who is not legally
Usually Heinlein's heroes married to any one. This
have to contend with the seems at best very awkward, if
Mrs. Grundy's of the not outright dangerous.
world, but here they also STRANGER
have to deal with the Note, Maureen mentions in
flaws within themselves. passing that neither of the
other two expected her to
It's the difference move out:
between writing a novel
and an advertisement. In other words, in Brian's
mind, this was just a change in
legal technicalities.
Had Heinlein lived a little longer,
maybe he could've gotten beyond the If Maureen doesn't see it that
level of softcore sexual fantasy, way, maybe Brian just did an
and gotten back to the sort of astoundingly bad job of
thing he could do best: explaining the idea --
Imagination tempered by realism. Or maybe Maureen has done a bad
job of representing his side.
Heinlein is not
usually given
credit for being
capable of
but here's a clear
An even better counter-example
might be Algis Budry's reading
of the end of "The Moon is a
Harsh Mistress".